Sunday, July 26, 2020

Top best Tips and trekking information about Nepal treks.

Simple Tips and general information about trekking in Nepal

Trekking in Nepal is not a simple thing. Indeed, it is just walking but the paths are rugged and unpaved.
Besides, walking at the height of 2000m and above is surely not something everyone is used to. Here we
are sharing some useful and simple tips for trekking in Nepal that you can surely apply on your trek to
So without further ado, please go through tips and general information about trekking in Nepal.
1) First, choose your perfect trek?
Nepal offers several type of trekking trails. There are easy trekking trails and there are difficult trekking
trails as well. Also, there is a problem of managing time as well. So before training yourself for the trek,
know what type of training is required for your preferred trek. Because, short trek like Ghorepani trek,
great length of preparation is not required. Just like that for moderate trek like Annapurna Base Camp or
Everest Base Camp, certain period of training and preparation are required. And then there are few
trekking trails in Nepal which are challenging and some years of trekking experience is required to do
the trek. Thus it is very important to know what grade of trekking you are opting for. So you can prepare
your trek for as their difficulty level. Besides, another important aspects to remember before planning
for trek in Nepal is that, for how many days you are staying in Nepal. Hence, before planning for trekking
in Nepal, find out difficult level of trekking in Nepal and for how many days you can stay in Nepal.
2) How to train your body for the trek?
Training your body depend upon the trekking grade. You have to train your body as per the grading level
of the trek. As said earlier, there are various type of trekking trail in Nepal which requires different level
of fitness and training in order to complete the trek efficiently.
For easy and short trek- Ghorepani trek, Everest Panorama Trek, Helumbu Trek and so on are some of
the popular short treks in Nepal. These type of trek covers altitude up to 3000m above sea level. So if
you are healthy enough, you can complete the trek proficiently. In such type of trek, one will be walking
for 5-6 hours daily. The duration of short treks usually lasts less than 2 weeks. And to be honest, no prior
trainings are necessary however being prepared will be very appreciated and useful too.
For moderate level of trek- Annapurna Base Camp Trek, EBC trek, Langtang valley trek are some of the
most popular moderate level of trek. These treks lasts less than 2 weeks. These are assessed as
moderate because, they begin from around 900 m height up to more than 5500m height. This height
difference is no joke so in able to complete the trek efficiently one should do enough preparation. One
does not have to an experienced trekker, beginners also can do these treks. However, even if the
altitude gain is gradual, there are few steep climb to make in these journey which makes it moderate
level of trek. To do these trek, you will require in any event 2 -3 month consistent training and
preparation. You can begin your trek physical exercise training by doing exercises like swimming,
energetic walk and joggings which will improve your cardio. Make your target to cover 5km in 30 minute
before you begin your trekking journey.
For moderate to difficult trek – Annapurna Circuit Trek, Manaslu Circuit Trek are some of the popular
moderate to difficult trek. These treks are assessed as moderate to difficult trek because you will have
to cross mountain passes, need to make steep climb and go through unusual terrain. This makes the trek

a moderate to difficult trek however it is attainable by novice trekkers too. And for these trek also, you
need the at least train your body for 2-3 months. By doing activities like walking, swimming and hiking,
you can improve your endurance level. Similarly, you should target to cover 5 km in half hour easily
before starting the trek.
For challenging/Strenuous trek- Everest Three passes trek, Kanchenjunga Trek, Rolwaling Tashi Lapcha
Trek are some of the challenging but adventurous treks in Nepal. These treks goes along more than two
weeks. Even though the maximum height in these type of trek is similar to the trek assessed as
moderate to difficult trek, these require intense determination and passion to complete the trek. In fact,
to do any type of trek, one has to be motivated, determined and physically fit. In these type of trek,
trekkers will have to cross many mountain passes that is more than 5000 meters. And the trail is also
very rugged, rocky and rough. Likewise, some sort of past trekking experience is required to opt these
treks. To do this trek, you will need at least 3 -4 month steady training and preparation. You can start
your trek preparation by doing activities like swimming, brisk walk and joggings which will improve your
cardio. Your target should be to cover 5 km in half hour comfortably by the beginning of the trek.
3) How to avoid Acute Mountain Sickness?
There are few ways to deal with Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) and they are as follows:
1) Always follow the tips and techniques given by the trekking leader.
2) Make sure to drink at least 4 liters of water every day. Staying hydrated will avoid from getting
altitude sickness.
3) Do not ever rush the trek. Follow the finalized itinerary prepared by the expert team. When
trekking at the high altitude, your body need to adapt with the changes.
4) Make sure to eat dishes that has plenty of carbohydrates while trekking. However, on normal
days, we wouldn’t advise eating carbs.
5) Resist alcohol or any alcoholic beverages.
6) Trekker’s intake Diamox from the beginning of the trek and during the trek to avoid the altitude
sickness. And it is okay too.
7) If you start to show minor symptoms of altitude sickness, please descend down to lower
altitude. And do not continue the journey until you are fully recovered.
8) If possible avoid eating non-veg meals. It is difficult to digest heavy meals as the altitude
9) Make sure to drink plenty of soups.
So these are some of the important tips to avoid mountain sickness. And these go along for all types of
trekking trails of Nepal.
4) What equipment to pack?
Make sure to pack these equipment’s:
 Sun caps with flaps
 Sunglasses
 A pair of trekking poles
 Water proof boots
 Polyester t-shirts Full/Half sleeves (At least 2)
5) How to pack your bag for trekking in Nepal?
It's essential to pack the correct things for your trek. Remember significant things, and certainly don't
bring a lot, your porter won't be content with a heap that is excessively overwhelming. Do not double
your equipment’s which will make the bag heavy. Try to pack as light as possible. If you forget anything,
there are trekking gear shops around Thamel where you can rent the equipment’s you have missed or
6) What is food like during trekking?
While trekking in Nepal, you can find varieties of dishes. Every teahouse has a menu from which you can
choose any dish you would prefer. Also, if you have dietary restrictions like gluten free meals then do
not worry because cook at the teahouse will prepare the dish for you as per your request. However you
may need to share your knowledge with them since many are not familiar with the term “gluten” or
“vegan”. Hence, you can find all sorts of meals, local, international, gluten free, vegan, non- veg and
vegetarian meals at the teahouses/ guesthouse while trekking in Nepal.
7) What is the accommodation like in the trekking trails of Nepal?
While trekking in Nepal, teahouses offer accommodation for the trekkers. The accommodation is simple
and basic in most of the trail. However, you can expect luxury teahouses at the lower section of Everest
and Annapurna region of Nepal. The rooms at the teahouses are simple and basic with twin beds for two
trekkers. Rooms are neat and clean. But in remote regions like Manaslu, as you move higher, trekkers
have to share room with other 4 or 5 trekkers in a cabin like room.
And as per the bathrooms, in some teahouses bathroom are in houses while in some it is a bit far from
the housing area. You can find both type of bathroom; western sit down toilet with flushing system and
a classic squat down toilet with water and bucket on the side. If there is western style of toilet, please
make sure to check if flushing is working or not. And always remember to keep the toilet clean for next
8) What to expect while trekking in Nepal?
You can expect a lot of interaction with the locals, nature and beautiful mountain vistas. Also, trekkers
can expect to learn about the rural lives and the culture, tradition, customs, rituals and rites of the

various ethnic group of people living in the different part of Nepal. Other than that it is really up to
visitors how they soar up their journey.
9) How to treat the local people?
Local people you will meet in the trekking trails of Nepal are pure souls. They will greet you with a smile
but won’t talk to you because most of them are shy. And there will be over friendly people who beam
with smile whole through the conservation. So just make sure, you are polite with them and answer
them with smile. Also, if you start any interaction with a “Namaste” which is Nepali way of saying hello
and instead of shaking hands, we join our hands and bow while saying Namaste. It will bring genuine
smile to their face.
Basically preparing for a trek to Nepal is a lot of preparation. when you finally get to do the things
that you have been longing to do since the day one of your preparation, the feeling will overwhelm you.
The journey brings wonderful experience of being in the vicinity of Mother Nature and amidst the huge
white snowcapped mountain peaks. All in all, trekking in Nepal is a surreal and wonderful experience.
Every minute spend here is adventurous and worthwhile.

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